More with Annaliese Nobile

Teen model, Annaliese asked me to do a photoshoot with her in Nevada City this week. The 3 hour shoot included a visit to the Holbrooke Hotel in Grass Valley before it was closed for renovation. We probably had the very last photoshoot in that hotel before the furniture was sold and the wallpaper removed.

We used natural light in the hotel, so that we would not bother the people running around the hallways purchasing every lamp, chair and bed in the building.

We used natural light in the hotel, so that we would not bother the people running around the hallways purchasing every lamp, chair and bed in the building.

Shot through a coffee shop window in Nevada City

Shot through a coffee shop window in Nevada City


Model Bridget Pelzman

I had a chance today to work with a 16 year old professional model Bridget Pelzman.  For a a teen model, she really has very talented and made for a wonderful shooting experience. A few of my images from the shoot can be found in today's blog update. 

The studio (located in a 2 car garage) using a black backdrop and 3 continues lights. 

The studio (located in a 2 car garage) using a black backdrop and 3 continues lights. 

The outdoor images were shot with natural light in Folsom. I didn't have access to a flash or reflector, which I think would have really been great to help the eyes pop. 

The outdoor images were shot with natural light in Folsom. I didn't have access to a flash or reflector, which I think would have really been great to help the eyes pop. 


I really love getting the chance to do portrait photography. If you are ever interested in shooting portraits with me, shoot me an email.